spitzbergen 良い vol.17~29

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スピッツベルゲン 会報 13冊セットほぼきれいな状態ですが、長期保管のため経年による色褪せが少しあります。バラ売りはいたしません。

Svalbard in pictures | Grumantbyen, 11.06.2019. | Facebook
Svalbard in pictures | Grumantbyen, 11.06.2019. | Facebook

A Cultural Landscape Emerges: Analyzing the Evolution of Two Historic North  Pole Expedition Bases in Virgohamna, Svalbard, from Trash to a Protected  Cultural Heritage Site
A Cultural Landscape Emerges: Analyzing the Evolution of Two Historic North Pole Expedition Bases in Virgohamna, Svalbard, from Trash to a Protected Cultural Heritage Site

Spitz(スピッツ) | スピッツオフィシャルファンクラブ30周年記念ツアー 本日開幕♬ Spitzbergen 30th Anniversary  Tour “GO!GO!スカンジナビア vol.8” at ぴあアリーナMM #spitz #スピッツ… | Instagram
Spitz(スピッツ) | スピッツオフィシャルファンクラブ30周年記念ツアー 本日開幕♬ Spitzbergen 30th Anniversary Tour “GO!GO!スカンジナビア vol.8” at ぴあアリーナMM #spitz #スピッツ… | Instagram

Svalbard - Wikipedia
Svalbard - Wikipedia

Temperature and precipitation during winter in NyÅlesund, Svalbard and  possible tropical linkages | Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography
Temperature and precipitation during winter in NyÅlesund, Svalbard and possible tropical linkages | Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography

Holocene glacial landscapes of Svalbard - ScienceDirect
Holocene glacial landscapes of Svalbard - ScienceDirect

Svalbard in pictures | #svalbard #arctic #nature #earth #isfjorden # spitsbergen #longyearbyen #trygghamna #rezasaghravani | Facebook
Svalbard in pictures | #svalbard #arctic #nature #earth #isfjorden # spitsbergen #longyearbyen #trygghamna #rezasaghravani | Facebook

German Interest in Spitsbergen | SpringerLink
German Interest in Spitsbergen | SpringerLink

Full article: Surface morphological types and spatial distribution of  fan-shaped landforms in the periglacial high-Arctic environment of central  Spitsbergen, Svalbard
Full article: Surface morphological types and spatial distribution of fan-shaped landforms in the periglacial high-Arctic environment of central Spitsbergen, Svalbard

Glacial history of the Åsgardfonna Ice Cap, NE Spitsbergen, since the last  glaciation - ScienceDirect
Glacial history of the Åsgardfonna Ice Cap, NE Spitsbergen, since the last glaciation - ScienceDirect

A new ice-core record from Lomonosovfonna, Svalbard: viewing the 1920–97  data in relation to present climate and environmental conditions | Journal  of Glaciology | Cambridge Core
A new ice-core record from Lomonosovfonna, Svalbard: viewing the 1920–97 data in relation to present climate and environmental conditions | Journal of Glaciology | Cambridge Core

Holocene glacial history of Svalbard: Status, perspectives and challenges -  ScienceDirect
Holocene glacial history of Svalbard: Status, perspectives and challenges - ScienceDirect

Operation Gauntlet - Wikipedia
Operation Gauntlet - Wikipedia

A Cultural Landscape Emerges: Analyzing the Evolution of Two Historic North  Pole Expedition Bases in Virgohamna, Svalbard, from Trash to a Protected  Cultural Heritage Site
A Cultural Landscape Emerges: Analyzing the Evolution of Two Historic North Pole Expedition Bases in Virgohamna, Svalbard, from Trash to a Protected Cultural Heritage Site

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